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Welcome To www.Skinny-Jeff.com
(The Skinny Jeff's Blogspot)

Wanna Lose Weight? Check out my Tasty Low Fat Recipes, Weigh Loss and Healthy Eating Articles, and Friendly Moral Support. My Mission: To Help Make This World a Lighter, Healthier and Happier Place to Live in.

Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Low Fat Pizza Recipes Page Up and Running!

Remember my last posting when I promised you I'd do a page on low fat pizzas?

Well... guess what?

It's up and running!

Now, time only allowed me to upload a recipe on how to make your basic low fat pizza dough, which is the base for a truly healthy wholemeal pizza.

But if baking your own dough is not your cup of tea, don't dispair. I will include recipes your can prepare using normal off the shelf prepacked pizza bases (and even pizza base substitutes).

Check out the page on a regular basis, as I will be adding more recipes for the first 2 weeks of september. Click here to check it out.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Who's Fat!?


I was reading an article about a doctor who had to defend a complaint for having told a patient that she was overweight and she got offended. Check it out.

The thing is that we live in litigious times, don't we? I know, because I practice in the area of discrimination law, and am very aware of the litigious trend that Western societies are becoming.

I was listening to an Asset Protection expert saying that California is the #1 litigious city, followed by Sydney (Australia), Texas, and Queensland (Australia).

Now, I don't know the manner and tone used by the doctor when he told his patient what he thought was the professional truth... but I tend to agree with him that he should not have to settle his claim for doing his job (unless, of course, he adopted an insulting tone).

The thing is that many people just simply do not accept they're overweight... not even by looking themselves in the mirror. And when others point out the obvious, they can get very touchy and offended. But sometimes, confronting the truth is the only thing that can save their lives.

That's some food for thought... ;-)

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Tonite's Pizza Night! (Low Fat Pizza, that is!)


I decided to type this entry before leaving for work. Let's see if I can make it before my bus gets to the bus stop....

Well... I have decided to start a small collection of low fat pizza recipes. Anyone would be forgiven for thinking that "pizza" is a sinful word. However, with these recipes you won't have to feel guilty.

So, stay in tune for my low fat pizza recipes... coming out tonite!

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Low Fat Turkey Stew


There are 2 ways you can prepare this recipe: with beef (instead of turkey), or with turkey... As for me... I rather eat the bird!

And you don't have to wait for Xmas or even Thanks Giving (although they're just around the corner!). You can have turkey any time you want!

This one is only 6.5 pts per portion. Check it out!

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Monday, August 29, 2005

Ole! Low Fat Spanish Omelet!


As they say in Iberia (the old name of Spanish and Portugal): Ole!

If you like fritattas, you'll like this delicious Spanish tortilla recipe. It's only 4.5 WW pts (or even 5, if you use 5 whole eggs to make it).

Preparation time: 10 minutes.

Click here to check it out.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Sunday, August 28, 2005

I'm Back From Melbourne Now!


I am back home now. I went on a trip to Melbourne last week for a legal conference as part of my employment duties. The conference was about discrimination issues, as that is the area of the law I currently practice in.

Anyway... I'm back home now, and am preparing a group or recipes for yet another category of low fat delicious meals.

I'm also editing the next edition of TSCD, which includes an article on low fat eating and budgeting, and another on off-the-shelf low carb products.

Great stuff!


Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Tuesday, August 23, 2005

Low Carbs Proponents Strike Back!


I have been terribly busy lately, putting together my legal paper for this week's legal conference in Melbourne. My apologies for my sporadic entries.

Hopefully, I'll get some form of internet connection in my hotel after hours. If not, my next entry will be till Saturday... but feel free to check out older entries for your amusement and information. ;-) You may end up finding a recipe you may want to try...


As you may recall, I have posted several entries dealing with low carb diets. There is a second part article that I am yet to publish, dealing with off the shelf low carb products... but that'll come after my conference, possibly as an article for TSCD.

And you may recall that the articles on low carbs I've referred to, have not been very appreciative of this type of regime. It is not that "I, personally" am opposed to low carbs. In fact, I'm willing to give it a go as a diet booster. But I am reporting on the articles I've come across.

Well, today's article goes "for" low carb diets.

Yup! For a change, ie for a different angle of the same topic, I decided to include Jimmy Moore's comments addressesing 10 common misconceptions (or "lies", as he calls them) about low carb diets.

If you are seek of reading negative stuff about low carb diets, you'll find this article refreshing [a new window will open].

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Sunday, August 21, 2005

Low Fat Meat Recipes Page Up and Running!


I had a wonderful weekend. Pity it's over! ;-)

I did not get to work much on my site, apart from dedicating a bit of time to uploading my low fat meat recipes page for your convenience.

That is a page with several low fat meat recipes including beer, lamb and turkey. I have not included pork as yet, but that's coming.

This week you may notice fewer entries. That'll be because I'll be going to a legal conference in Melbourne, and I will be away from home (and my personal internet connection), but it'll be only for a couple of days from Wednesday onwards.

I'll be delivering a legal paper, and it is quite likely I won't be able to dedicate much time to my site --- but probably I'll find some time to do it before I go to Melbourne... I just love doing it... ;-) ---- .

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Friday, August 19, 2005

Skinny Chef Caught Red Handed!


So much has happened this week that I won't even attempt to bore you with the details. The important things it that the week is nearly at its end now, and I'll be able to upload a few more low fat recipes for you this weekend.

I was reading a very interesting article about another "skinny chef" who, apparently, was overweight and had never done any exercise in his whole life (yikes!). the article report that:

Strynkowski, who is 6 feet tall, says he weighed 260 pounds, "which I camouflaged with my chef's jacket." A 1983 graduate of the culinary school at Johnson & Wales University, Strynkowski was hired by Cooking Light four years ago to write about food and to conduct the magazine's supper club events across the country. Click here to check out the rest of the article [a new window will open]

The good side of the story is that he redeemed his ways and started adopting a healthy eating and exercising lifestyle and has reportedly started to harvest the fruit of his efforts.

I can relate to his experience to some degree. Testing my delicious low fat recipes ain't easy, because they're so delicious that indulging is easily done. Heck! I've done it myself so many times, and if I'm not careful, I would not be able to live up to my pen name any longer. ;-)

But there is a valuable lesson in that article: Even if you have never committed yourself to a healthy lifestyle... it's never too late. Even if you have fallen off the wagon, you can get on it again, and continue your life.

As the old saying goes: "To err is human, getting up is divine."

If you have been struggling with your weight lately, remember: you can, and MUST, do it.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Is Weight Loss a "Mind Over Matter" deal?


Here I was browsing a few weight loss articles when I bumped into an article entitled "The Ultimate Keys to Your Fitness Success". The content is great, but guys may also be interested in checking out the writer's pictures in that article. They display a perfectly tanned and slender body of a woman who could easily pass as a centerfold model. Nice! (with all due respect!).

The main key to success in your weight loss journey is your mind, according to Jennifer Lee (aka Miss Bikini America).

I agree with her, but not because of her model looks. In fact, I have left a comment in her blog entry requesting to see a "before" picture showing us what she looked like when she had to lose weight. Hopefully, we'll see it some day. It is not that I don't believe her, it is that different people have different ideas of what to be overweight is like.

She may still have been a honey even with an extra 10 or 15 kg, and good on her for achieving her desired goal. But if she looked that good before, I doubt that mere mortals seeking to drop some weight will be inspired at all...

Anyhow... back to the mind over matter business. I agree with it simply because you can have all the "secrets" revealed, and a whole library of low fat recipes available to you... and you can even eat such recipes, and yet you would not lose a gram (you may even gain weight) if your mind is not committed to do whatever it takes (within reason and healthy boundaries) to lose weight.

As the Buddha said in the "Dhammapada":

"We are what we think. All that we are arises with our thoughts. With our thoughts we make the world."

But it is not only the commitment that we're after. We need to mentally project what we want to become in order to get there. If I recall my Bible correctly, Hebrews 11:1 says something like:

"Faith is the certainty of what you expect, and the conviction of what you cannot see."

In order to succeed in losing weight, and in life in general, you have to remain focused, mentally project what you want to look like or be like, and think and act as a person who is already slim. Remember an article I posted before called "5 Top Reasons to Quit Your Diet"? That's one of the main points the author was making.

I reckon the 101 Weight Mastery course can teach you how to use your mind to adopt slimming habits that will help you keep focused on your weight loss journey.

In a way, I also think that Weight Watchers sort of do the same thing by keeping you focused by attending to their meetings, but I think a bit of visualisation would help even more.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Monday, August 15, 2005

Low Fat Orange Creme Caramel... mmmm mmmm mmmm

It's nearly time for bed now, but I had to tell you about my latest low fat dessert recipe: Low fat Orange Creme Caramel.

Try it. It's absolutely delicious! Really! (and it's only 3.5 WW pts!).

Enjoy! (I'm going to bed now!). ;-)

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Sunday, August 14, 2005

Low Fat Chicken and Asparagus Bake...


I have been very busy this weekend, visiting my mum at hospital, working, writing a paper for a legal conference for this month, and doing many other things.

I had prepared this delicious dish last week, and intended to share it with you soon after, but "life is what happens to you when your busy making time". Ain't that the truth!

Anyway... check it out... and enjoy.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Thursday, August 11, 2005

Can You Make a Fruity Sushi?


Yes, another week is coming to an end once again, and you may be wondering what's new in the world of healthy eating...

Yesterday I did not have enough time to explain that the dish I proposed to celebrate the safe return of the Discovery was Beer Burgers.

I had to enter a quick posting as my bus to work was coming soon after. So, I apologise for the shortness of my posting, and I hope that you did check the recipe: it was an excellent and easy one to do, and I trust you and your family will love it too.

As for the title of this posting... I read in an article today that there are new food alternatives to using seeweed to wrap food, like in sushi.

Here in Australia we've had a flattened-fruit product (a roll up) that kids have as a snack. However, they are not really fruit. They're made of syrup, and I think they also contain lots of added sugar. So, that's in my view not a very healthy choice for a snack.

But the US Department of Agriculture has come up with a new sort of food wrap, 90% made up of fruit or vegies (like spinach). You can even add spices and other stuff to make your wrapers tastier (and keeping it "healthy").

Now, I don't know whether a fruity wrap would go well with sushi, but I guess there may be other types of food you can wrap with this new fruity wrap. Click here to check out the full article.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Touch Down! Celebrate the Discovery's Landing!


I wish to congratulate the Discovery crew for their successful landing. I'm truly glad they returned safe to Earth.

To celebrate, you should try my latest recipe: Beer Burgers!

Check it out (gotta go to work now!)

Talk to you later.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Monday, August 08, 2005

Best Wishes For The Discovery Crew

As I type this posting, the Discovery is about to re-entry our planet.

Rather than posting a new low fat recipes and tell you about it, I just wanted to say that here, Down Under (Australia), many of us are anxious to see that the Discovery crew returns to earth fine and well.

I trust that the astronauts have done a great job fixing the shuttle before re-entry.

With all of our hearts in Australia, we wish you Discovery dudes (and Commander Dudette) a safe and happy return.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Banana Cannelloni with Orange Sauce...

Greetings once again!

There are many sweet things you can create with pasta. This is one of them. It takes just a bit over 30 minutes to prepare and cook, and it is a somehow unusual low fat (and sweet) breakfast recipe.

Check it out.

By the way, my mum is stable at hospital under observation. She's talking and moves "as normal", but the doctors are still trying to determine the nature of the stroke-like symptoms she displayed on Saturday evening.

The good thing is that there was no bleeding in her brain, but she may still have a clot or something.

I trust that she'll be fine.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Sunday, August 07, 2005

A Scary Saturday...

Hi there,

Due to events that happened this Saturday, I'll be just a bit personal in this entry.

My mum had a transient stroke yesterday morning.

Luckily, my sister, brother, my partner and I were at home when this happened, and were able to call the ambulance on time and assisted her immediately.

I believe that saved her life, as she was having difficulty breathing and, had nobody been there when it happened, she might not have survived.

It was a scary day, but after several hours waiting at the Hospital's ER, my mum recovered the ability to move and speak again, and she's now in observation in the hospital. There was no bleeding, so there is no damage to her brain. At least that's what the preliminary examinations and test reveal.

I am grateful that she is still here with us, and hope that this incident does not occur again. Of course, nobody can predict that, but one can only hope.

It has been an emotionally exhausting Saturday, and whilst I remained calmed and absolutely convinced that my mother was going to be ok, I must admit... after the emergency period finished, the nerves caught up a bit.

I'm fine, but a bit shaken. At the same time, I am very grateful to the Universe for keeping my mother alive and well.

I do hope that you are well, and that your family and loved ones are also fine. Be with them. Look after them. Enjoy every moment available with them.

If you have been postponing getting in touch with that loved one, do it. Don't wait. "Later" is sometimes "too late".

Thanks for "listening". ;-)

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Friday, August 05, 2005

Pea and Potato Soup


... As I type this entry, I've uploaded a delicious Pea and Potato soup that is low in fat, but high in energy (not suitable for low carb regimes, as it contains 27 g carbs!).

Check it out.


Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

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Off The Shelf Low Carbs: A Rip Off? Part One


This is the summary of the report I promised yesterday. It's a bit long, so I may have to break it into several parts (interrupted by links to delicious low fat recipes)....

Many dietary regimes offer their own special type of food from supermarkets' shelves. Weight Watchers, for instance, has several products that include their points system, which makes it to track how many points you consume on a day.

Low carb diet followers can also get their own special types of food off the shelf. With clear and promotional labels showing the amount of carbs per portion a product has, dieters are able to make "informed decisions" when buying their grosseries at the shops.

But, are we really getting good low carb value for our money? Choice Magazine conducted an investigation with astonishing results.

They checked products marked "Carb Smart", "Carb Options", "Carboright" and the "Atkins" brand in Australia. Their respective carbs labels gave the impression that these products were suitable for low carb diets.

The testing team compared these products with other "normal carb" products also found in the supermarkets' shelves.

The result of such tests was that:

The low-carb brands all have less carbohyrdate per serve thanthe conventional versions, but not necessarely so much as to make a significant difference to your overall diet. For instance, unless you like it better, there's no point in paying extra for ATKINS Quick Cuisine Creamy Ranch Dressing with 0.7 g of carbs per serve when a serve of PAUL NEWMAN's OWN Ranch Dressing gives you only about half a gram more carbs. And much the same applies to EMPOWER LOW CARB Chocolate, which has only marginally fewer carbs than the same amount of CADBURY Dairy Milk Chocolate, but packs in more kilojoules.

If the difference in carbs content per serve is "minimal", then you may conclude that you pay a premium cost just for the easier labelling system, which tells you - at a glance - the amount of carbs a food or product has.

In my view, that's a bit too much of a rip off, since you can also find the amount of carbs in nutritional values table of the products... at least, here in Australia that is the case.

But the report goes on to explain that the so-called low carb products are not always necessarely suitable for a low carb diet (!!).

Yup! You read that one right!

But I'll tell you about that in one of my next postings...

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Thursday, August 04, 2005

Pan Fried Mediterranean Lamb

Hi there,

I know I said I was going to give you a review of the Choice Magazine article on low carbs products, but I wanted to tell you first of the latest addition to my low fat meat recipes: Pan-fried Mediterranean lamb (4.5 pts).

I got to go to sleep now. It's late night here in Western Australia.

I'll talk to you tomorrow. Have a great day... I'll have a good night.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Is Everybody Talking [Badly] About Low Carbs?


A couple of postings ago I briefly discussed low carbs in this blog, with a link to a related article.

Yesterday, I received my latest issue of Choice Magazine. Apart from the main article featuring a comparative test of different coffee makers, there was also an interesting article on "off the shelf" low carb products.

And today, I was reading yet another article about low carb diets, suggesting that it seems to be a fad diet in decline. Check it out [a new window will open].

It seems to me that either I'm "focused" on "low carbs", or the media is (or both of us are!), and that's why I'm coming across so much low-carbs related information (Heck! Even my sister is doing a low carb [but brutal] regime!).

I still want to try the Atkins diet for a month (as a scientific experiment), but I have to prepare for it. I'll let you know when I start.

My next posting will discuss the Choice Magazine article on "off the shelf Low Carb products".

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Fish and Rice Balls? Very Nice!!


Today was my first day back to work. It was good. I had to catch up with work accrued during my leave, but it was fine. Actually, most of my day was excellent.

I could not go for a walk because it was raining a lot at lunch time, but I'll get there again as soon as it start clearing.

Anyhow... what fish balls? Ah! Yes. The fish and rice balls! Yup, this is a very interesting (and fishy) dish. But it is not a quick recipe. It belongs to the school of slow cooking (purists argue that slow cooking is real gourmet cooking).

In the case of vegetables, though, I believe that the freshe the better, as you tend to lose vitamins and minerals the more you cook them (that's why having fruit and vegetable smoothies is such a good nutritional idea!).

Actually, the longest part of the process involves leaving the rice soaking for 2 hours or so, but the steaming time is only 15 minutes on this recipe. Check it out.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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