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Welcome To www.Skinny-Jeff.com
(The Skinny Jeff's Blogspot)

Wanna Lose Weight? Check out my Tasty Low Fat Recipes, Weigh Loss and Healthy Eating Articles, and Friendly Moral Support. My Mission: To Help Make This World a Lighter, Healthier and Happier Place to Live in.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Choosing To Eat Healthy Food


Everyday, you, I, and everyone else make some sort or choices about what we eat. But these choices are, to some extent, determined by our own circumstances.

Some choose to eat fast food, for instance, for many reasons including convenience, lack of time, work, addiction to certain types of food, budget constraints (fast food can be very cheap compared to healthy food), or just pure personal preference.

Some others choose to eat dietary types of food (low fat, or low carb, or high protein, and the like) for different reasons including health, recovery from ailment, wanting to lose weight (self image improvement), and that type of thing.

But our choices are not necessarely fixed by our personal circumstances. Sure, we may have little time during meal breaks, or we may have a very limited budget. However, you can overcome these factors if you really want to.

If you are determined to live a better, happier, and healthier life, you ought to choose well what you eat. But to know how to choose well, you have to educate yourself.

I was recently reading an article that advocates healthy eating. Everyone and her dog seems to be doing that. And it is easy to say "well, just have food that's low in fat, watch your sugar, get more proteins, less carbs, and you'll be fine". But reality is, even if you go out of your way to consume healthy food, you have to know what you're doing. You have to have a system to achieve whatever it is you want to achieve.

Is it weight loss what you want? Or is it more energy? Or perhaps you want to "detox" your body (although some experts reckonw that "detoxing" is as effective as washing your dog with a toothbrush!)? Whatever your goal is, you have to find out the best way to achieve it.

I mean... if it was just a case of buying low fat food, or eating whatever healthy stuff they sell out there, and eating it indiscriminately, we would not have the "Globesity" problem (I just love that new term!) in our afluent Western Societies. Everyone would be slim by now!

No. It takes education (first and foremost), planning and ongoing commitment to achieve what you want.

In some cases, you may also need personal coaching... but that's another topic I'll discuss later on.

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

NADH: A Healthier Energy Boosting Supplement?


I love coffee. A few years ago I was happy with certain brands of instant coffee... till I discovered and acquired the taste for percolated coffee... especially from a plunger.

Many nutritionists condemn the habit of drinking coffee, as it tends to dehydrate our bodies by causing us to go to the toilet (it acts as a diuretic). Nevertheless, with all the healthy eating interest I have, I still love drinking good coffee. That's my sinful confession.

However, I'm exploring different and healthier ways to get extra energy when I need it. I have tried Ginko Biloba, Gingsen, Vitamin B, and others with success.

I have also come across NADH (which is an energy boosting supplement that sharpens mental focus without the jitteriness of caffeine or other stimulants). NADH may also help with mood because it plays a key role in the development of serotonin and dopamine.

Now, I have not tested it on myself as yet... but I'm willing to give it a go... in the name of science. ;-)

You may want to check out the information on this supplement by clicking on the above link. The information is straight forward and simple.

If you have consumed NADH, do let me know. I'll be interested in comparing notes.

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Monday, October 24, 2005

[Hu]Man's Best Friend Helps You Lose Weight


A while ago I wrote a couple of articles suggesting that walking is one of the best exercises to help you lose weight.

Not everyone is keen on walking... unfortunately. It takes a bit of determination to do it, but once you've started and kept it going for a while, you'll enjoy it (it wheather and time allows it?).

In respect of making the time to do it, that's a time management issue. Of course, if you work 3 shifts, you won't be able to make it... and may be you should think of making money in better ways.

Anyhow... I spotted 3 articles recently about the benefits of owning a dog (provided you are a responsible dog owner). According to these articles, a recent clinical study showed that walking your dog can be better than dieting.

But before you rush to your nearest pet shop to buy your new doggie, you have to plan the amount of activity (walking) you are able and willing to do on a daily and weekly basis. Just having a dog will not make you lose weight. You've gotta walk regularly (otherwise there will be 2 fat beings: you and your dog!).

Now, having a dog may not be very practicable for you. That's the situation for my family and I. We just don't have the time to care for one. The nearest thing to having a dog for me is my in-law's dog: Harley. But I only get to see him on weekends. So, I can scratch that plan off.

If you are in the same predicament, then walking by yourself is the next best alternative to burn energy and lose weight.

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Get an Ebook with 120 Energy-Boosting and Delicious Low-Fat Fruit Smoothie Recipes for a small Donation to Skinny Jeff.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Who's Responsible for Child Obesity?


The issue of child obesity is one that's plaguing afluent Western Societies nowadays.

I guess the fact that fast food is readily available and heavily promoted through advertising is a factor to take into account in this equation.

It is just so convenient to buy fast food (junk food, fat food), that having to cook our meals has become an unwated chore. When we, or our kids get hungry, it is easy to drive to the junk food outlet around the corner, and buy food. Just cue up, pay the teller, and walk away with a filling meal.

The "I want it now" attitude (aka "instant gratification") has permeated into our family values, and one of the consequences is that of bigger and fatter generations already entering our work force.

Our governments know this and yet, laws like those contained in the "Cheesburger Bill" protect fast food restaurant chains by preventing patrons from suing their businesses for getting fat as a result of eating the food they promote and sell. Whether you agree with this law or not, is irrelevant. The fact that it has been passed is what remains significant.

Our governments are shifting the focus onto "individual responsibility": You are responsible for what you eat, and the consequences of eating it. A corollary of this is: You are responsible for your children, including their health, and including what they eat.

That's a big responsibility.

In the UK there's been a recent move to implementing and educating children about healthy eating. Epolitix.com reported recently that there is a

... move from the education secretary last week to ban low quality foods high in fat, salt and sugar from school canteens. Chocolate, crisps, and sugary fizzy drinks are also to be banned from school vending machines.

Extra funding... will go into schools and local education authorities over the next three years to help transform school meals through training and increased hours for cooks, equipment, and a minimum spend on ingredients - 50p at primary schools, 60p at secondary schools.

Children will learn about healthy eating and nutrition and practical cooking skills. That is a good step towards fixing the problem.

In the USA, there is also a move towards making kids health conscious in relation to what they eat.

But I also believe parents need to take an interest in, and learn about healthy eating, and that is not an easy task, as adults are less likely to want to change any habit or life style... even if it kills them. Individual responsibility has been tamed with complasency... and the cycle continues and gets bigger.

And this is where I believe our governments are not doing enough. They're not spending sufficient resources in "brainwashing" their citizens into believing in healthy eating and exercise.

If you think about it, a child may very well be "health aware", but if his/her parents don't buy or cook healthy food ingredients, chances are that child will continue being fed with inadequate nutrition... at least until that child is old enough to decide for him/herself (and by that time, it is often too late, as fast food tends to be addictive!).

Parents are certainly responsible for their kids' health, but I believe our governments are also responsible in spreading the message in an effective way, so that our populations become more aware of the consequences of our eating habits.

What do you think?

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Looking for information on child obesity?
Search for it here

Get an Ebook with 120 Energy-Boosting and Delicious Low-Fat Fruit Smoothie Recipes for a small Donation to Skinny Jeff.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Do Fat Cells Have Memory?


There are many questions people wonder about: "What's the meaning of life, the universe and everything." "why me?" "Is there a god (or a God)?" "What time do the shops open in this town?" and "why is it so damn difficult for me to lose weight?"

Of all the above questions, I found an article that attempts to explain the last one (for the rest of the above questions, I suggest studying philosphy... or reading the Hitchhicker's Guide to the Galaxy).

Anyway, the article is based on a clinical study that showed that:

a particular fat-building enzyme is three times more abundant in the muscles of obese people than in the muscles of people who are lean, and that this propensity continued even when the cells were removed from the body and grown in a lab. The cells of obese people remembered their metabolic program, which could help explain, in part, why losing weight and maintaining weight loss is so difficult.

(Here is the article, if you want to read it. Another window will open.)

Now, the dude from Living La Vida Lo-Carb ridiculed the finding because he has been able to lose a lot of weight through a low carbs regime (Atkins' to be precise).

He reckons his cells have amnesia or something, as he has not gained weight since he began losing it.

Whilst I can see the point he's making, I think he has chosen to ignore the reality of "genetic memory". This is what scientist regard as "cellular memory".

Over thousands of years (if not millions, depending on whether you are a creationist or evolutionist subscriber) our cells have gathered and stored information that is passed from one being to another via our DNA. In some instances individuals had to adapt to scarcity, and their bodies had to make do without much food around. This information has arguably been stored in our genes. Hence, some of us have a propensity to store large amounts of energy... just in case.

Now, this should not be a case of "oh well! That explains everything, and I am meant to be fat anyway." No!

It is just a matter of understanding how our bodies work... and possibly why. Once we know these factors, we are in a better position to take appropriate measures to correct this imbalance.

Let me tell you this: I'm not having a go at the low carbs dude. I'm happy that he's lost weight using his low carbs regime. However, if he discontinued his regime, his cells would probably "remember" their program and start storing fat....

... just as it happens whenever we fall off the wagon. ;-)

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Considering Doing "Cyber-Dieting"?


Cyber-dieting has been going on for a couple of years already. The idea is that, instead of going to physical meetings, or attending to weight loss classes, or even instead of physically going to a personal trainer, you subscribe to a diet program online, and do what you must from the comfort of your own home.

Anyone could see that one comming as technology allowed websites to become interactive with its visitors.

A recent Canadian article discusses this trend (click here to check it out, a new window will open).

The author outlines how the "Hi Tech" approach makes it possible for technically saavy people to access all of this information and resources from the internet, and even from PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants like Palm or Pocket PC), making this information and resources totally portable and convenient.

A couple of weeks ago I spotted a free service where you could track your weight loss progress. The concept was good, but the free resources were very limited. To obtain the full benefit of that site, you have to pay a subscription fee. Join the cue... everybody else and his/her dog is doing that. ;-)

Of course, the quality of the services will also vary. And the old adage that you get what you pay for does not necessarely apply in cyberspace. Sometimes you may pay the same amount from one service to another, and yet get better service in one, and not in the other.

So, if you're thinking about doing the cyber-dieting thing, do your homework, and see if other people are happy with the service.

Do a bit of homework first, checking resources, and deciding (on the basis of your research) which service is more appropriate for you.

Alternatively, you may wait for me to do my mini-guide comparing such services... ;-)

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Sunday, October 16, 2005

Tuna and Omega 3 Fat


I was updating a lunch low fat recipe today, when I came across the nutrional value of Tuna. These are my findings on a 100 g serving size:

  • Energy 560 kj
  • Proetin 25 g
  • Fat 3 g
  • Carbs 0
  • Sodium 35 mg
  • Cholesterol 45 mg
  • Phosphorus 350 mg
  • Magnesium 50 mg
  • Iron 0.1 mg
  • Thiamin 0.1 mg
  • Riboflavin 0.15 mg, and
  • Niacin 9.5 mg
Apart from that, everybody is quick to point out that tuna is high in Omega-3 fat, which is clinically proven to reduce cholesterol, blood pressure and the tendency for blood to clot. Thus, it reduces the chances of a stroke.

What not many people tell you, however, is that low fat tuna (tuna canned in brine) contains less Omega 3 fats than fresh tuna. That's because most of its oils are extracted during the canning process.

I suppose, some Omega 3 fat is better than nothing. And the thing is that we purchased canned tuna because of its convenience to take to work.

There are, however, canned tuna brands that enrich it with Omega 3. But you have to check and take into account the amount of fat this contains if you're tracking points or levels of fat in your diet.

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Saturday, October 15, 2005

The Skinny Jeff's Digest is Out Now!


As promised yesterday, the October issue of The Skinny Jeff's Digest is out now.

In this issue you'll find:

  • Why you don't need diets and will power to lose weight, and urges you to shift your mind away from the goal of weight loss to the bigger picture: healthy eating.
  • A wealth of links to articles from other sites on the benefits of eating healthy.
  • The top most popular low fat recipes this month.
  • Food for thought: links to articles about kids and nutrition.
It's informative, interesting, compelling, short and simple... and it's free! Click here to subscribe now!

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Looking for nutrition for kids information?
Search for it here

Get an Ebook with 120 Energy-Boosting and Delicious Low-Fat Fruit Smoothie Recipes for a small Donation to Skinny Jeff.

Friday, October 14, 2005

2 D's you don't need to lose weight


I just wanted to drop a line to tell you that The Skinny Jeff's Digest issue for October is coming out first thing Friday morning (Continental American time), or first thing Saturday morning (Australian time).

In a way, this is a milestone in my publication: It is the first time it comes out under its new name.

The feature article for this issue is "Two D's You Don't Need To Lose Weight: Diets and Discipline". Find out why you can't rely on these 2 factors to lose weight.

If you have not subscribed to The Skinny Jeff's Digest... you should. It's fun, informative, short, and free. What more could you ask for?

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

Monday, October 10, 2005

Putting Color (Colour) On Your Diet


I was reading an article that recommends adding color to your diet to make it easier to meet that 3 vegies and 2 fruits goal on a daily basis: "learn from the rainbow" the author says.

The recommendation would be specially appealing to children, but overall it should generate inspiration to most of us.

The article also deals with "what is the size of a portion or serving" question, and it has very intersting list of tips for a healthy diet. Check it out!

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Looking for an alternative diet program?
Search for it here

Get an Ebook with 120 Energy-Boosting and Delicious Low-Fat Fruit Smoothie Recipes for a small Donation to Skinny Jeff.

Friday, October 07, 2005

Is Diet Soda Making Us Fat?


I have a friend who likes here Diet Coke. In fact, she admits she's got some sort of addiction to this and other fizzy drinks.

Luckily, as she is about to get married, she's motivated to do whatever it takes to reach her goal before the wedding. That includes a reduction of the amount of diet drinks (and other things) she has everyday.

Lucky! I was just reading an article that says that diet drinks, if binged upon, do make you fat. What I found most disturbing about it is that the sweetener in the drink actually makes you crave for sweets. Check it out here (a new window will open).

But the article goes on to say that you can still enjoy one or two drinks a day without affecting your weight... provided that you eat healthy (and delicious) low fat food.

So, there you are folks. Take it easy with those diet drinks. ;-)

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Looking for information on Diets?
Search for it here

Get an Ebook with 120 Energy-Boosting and Delicious Low-Fat Fruit Smoothie Recipes for a small Donation to Skinny Jeff.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Broccoli May Fight Cancer... I knew it! ;-)


I was about to go to sleep (yes, I do sleep regularly), when I saw this article that discusses how broccoli may fight cancer...(a new window will open)...

A couple of weeks ago I posted a couple of low fat broccoli recipes and, I must say, despite being delicious, they were not very popular.

Now, this article should give you guys and gals something to think about when making an ugly face to broccoli...

C'mon! Try the recipes... they're good for you, and they're delicious.

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Looking for information on a health topic?
Search for it here

Get an Ebook with 120 Energy-Boosting and Delicious Low-Fat Fruit Smoothie Recipes for a small Donation to Skinny Jeff.

Plain low fat muffins recipe... with 6 delicious variations!


I told you before that I'm into muffins this week, didn't I?

Well, here is the mother of all low fat muffin recipes: the Plain (but delicious) low fat muffins recipe.

At the bottom of that page you'll also find a link to 6 delicious low fat muffin variations.


Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Test Posting Using the Blog Add-On for MS Word


This entry to The Skinny Jeff’s Blogspot is a test to see how well the blog plug-in works.

In theory, all I have to do is type anything in MS Word (after having downloaded and installed the plug-in), and click on the “Publish” button. My entry will then be automatically posted to my blog.

If you’re reading this, the experiment was successful.

Yours in health,

Skinny Jeff

Popdex Citations

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Welcome to my new URL!!


If you are a previous follower of this blog... welcome back!

If you are a new visitor... Welcome! and I hope you enjoy reading my postings.

Yes, I took the plunge yesterday and changed my pen name to Skinny Jeff. With that change, I had to change the name of the blog as well as its URL.

If you know others who would like to know about low fat cooking, dieting, weight loss and healthy eating, tell them about this blog.

Yesterday I also posted yet another low fat muffin recipe: low fat gingerbread muffins. The recipe yields 12 delicious muffins, each of which is worth only 1.5 WW pts (Weight Watchers' Points), and it only takes half an hour to prepare and bake.

I'm into muffins lately, and I'll be posting more of these recipes during the following days.

Yours in Health,

Skinny Jeff

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Looking for information on a health topic?
Search for it here

Get an Ebook with 120 Energy-Boosting and Delicious Low-Fat Fruit Smoothie Recipes for a small Donation to Skinny Jeff.

Monday, October 03, 2005

This Blog is Moving Again...


I'm moving this blog once again. I'm sorry to have to do this to you, but I have a good reason for this...

As you may recall, I have a TM dispute in my hands. Although I have always maintained that I have not breached any trademark, I did not want to engage into lengthy litigation... unless I have to.

Instead, I want to spend more time giving you valuable information on weight loss and healthy eating, recipes, links to interesting articles and the like... as I do (or even better).

So, I have not been using my beloved pen name for over a month now (Jeff, The Skinny Chef).

I have done some legal research, and I'm positive that I have not breached any trademark. I'm crossing my "Ts" and dotting my "Is" by double-checking with another Attorney dealing with TMs in the meantime.

I'm an attorney-at-law (or simply put, a lawyer) in Australia, and I eat litigation for breakfast (low fat litigation, that is). So, it is not that I'm coy about challenging the dispute. It's just that, preferebly, I want to spend more time sharing my information with you, rather than litigating.

I have not totally given up my pen name... and pending further legal advice, I reserve the right to use it. But for the time being, I won't.

So, what's the new pen name?

Get ready for this... ;-)

It is...

Skinny Jeff

How do you like that?

This is the last posting I make under this current address. To find out the new blog address, I invite you to keep an eye on the "What's New" section of my site, or simply go to http://www.Skinny-Jeff.com as from 4th October 2005. That URL will redirect you to my new blog address. Note that this URL will work only from 4th October 2005 onwards (Western Australian Time).

I do hope that you keep visiting my blog (at its new address). This address will hopefully be "for good" (as far as that phrase can be applied in cyberspace!).

Spread the word around, and share my new URL with whoever's interested in losing weight or eating healthy. Your support to my blog and my site will help me continue in my mission to make this world lighter, slimmer and healthier.

Keep tuned... and be happy and healthy...

Yours in health,

Skinny Jeff, The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Get an Ebook with 120 Energy-Boosting and Delicious Low-Fat Fruit Smoothie Recipes for a small Donation to the Skinny Jeff, The Chef.

Here is a great FREE resource for you.


If you're into weight loss and healthy eating, I have a great free resource you may want to check out... soon to be featured in my site as an excellent resource.

By joining into this resource (for free) you get:

  • Unlimited weight-loss goals plans
  • A goal planning assistance tool
  • A daily weight tracking calendar
  • A daily diet task list, and
  • A weight chart

Now, I don't get any kick backs for this referral. They do have a paid program that gives you access to many more features for an annual fee of USD$19.95. However, with the above free features and my recipes, you may get away without using their paid service.

But if you're really keen on joining for the paid service, go right ahead. I'll try my free membership first.

Click here to check it out (a new window will pop up).

One thing you have to be mindful about, though, is that you have to keep your account active by using it (still for free). If you remain inactive for 30 days, they delete your account. How's that to keep you motivated?

Anyway, check it out and tell me how it goes.

Yours in health,

The Skinny Jeff ;-)

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Sunday, October 02, 2005

Bali Bombing 2: They've Touched Us Again...

Hi there,

As many of you may already know, I'm in Perth, Western Australia. We are close to Bali, in Indonesia.

In fact, most folks who travel to Bali from Australia have to stop over in Perth.

One of the Australian persons who died was from Busselton, a beautiful town in the South West of WA. My condolences for him (a young 16 years old guy), and for the other victims from Australia, the Americans who died, and the rest of the locals who have to endure terrorism in their daily lives.

I am very saddened that terrorism touches our lives in many ways, and it does not look like it's getting any better.

It is also very distressing to know that it is a small minority with radical views the ones who push for this type of actions against civilians, and yet our main stream Muslims cope the flack because what these radicals do.

Discrimination and recrimination flow on from here... and the conflict gets worse.

To the victims of this horrible act of terror, I can only offer my condolences, and hope that the pain they're going through can be sublimised to make our world a better place to live in.

My respect and thoughts go to you...

Jeff The Chef