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Welcome To www.Skinny-Jeff.com
(The Skinny Jeff's Blogspot)

Wanna Lose Weight? Check out my Tasty Low Fat Recipes, Weigh Loss and Healthy Eating Articles, and Friendly Moral Support. My Mission: To Help Make This World a Lighter, Healthier and Happier Place to Live in.

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

2 Low Fat Gnocchi Recipes in One!


I have been very busy since last Thursday. Hence my silence. But I'm back now! And I have just uploaded a very delicious low fat gnochi recipe. Actually is 2 low fat gnocchi recipes in one: Potato Gnocchi and Green Gnocchi. Very nice!

Check it out!


Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Saturday, September 24, 2005

How To Lose The Last 10 Kilos


I have just submitted a new article on why it is so hard to lose the last 10 kilos, and what can be done about it:

This is the scenario:

You've committed yourself to a healthy eating and weight loss journey, and made significant progress in losing weight. You are 10 kilos away from your goal weight. These are the stubborn last 10 kilos that stick to your body like melted cheese.

Can you do anything about it? Absolutely!

First, you must know why it gets harder to lose weight when you're slimper. And second, you have to apply that knowledge to your weight loss program. The rest, as they say, will be history... and one with a happy ending.

Of course, this is only one approach to tackling down this problem. Low Carbs followers have other alternatives, but this is the one I'm familiar with.

There are three main reasons why losing the last 10 kilos is hard:

First, when you're fatter, you tend to use up more energy. Therefore, when you lose weight, your body tends to burn less calories for the same amount of physical activity.

Second, when you're overweight, you retain more liquids in your body. Once you start your weight loss program (or a healthy eating program), the liquids are amongst the first things your body gets rid of.

Third, your metabolic rates (ie the speed in which you burn your energy) slows down.

In other words, when you have lost weight, your body adapts itself to the new energy consumption requirements that your body has in relation to your new weight. Does that make sense?

To make things worse, if you're frustrated because you're not losing as much weight as you used to at the beginning of your journey, your natural response would be eat even less. But guess what? If you do that, you slow your weight loss even more.

This is because your body goes into starvation mode, and starts burning muscle as well as fat. Muscle is the main fat burner in your body, and the less you have of it, the less fat you are able to burn.

The next link in this chain reaction is that your metabolic rate starts slowing down even further, as your body re-adjusts itself to use its energy reserves more efficiently, just in case the "starvation period" continues for a long time.

Then the string snaps, and you go back to "normal" eating patterns, but the body's metabolic rate stays "depressed". The body burns less fat, even if you're eating healthy amounts of low fat food.

The result? Well, you start gaining weight even if you're being good.

As a bonus, people then think "what's the point?", and get back to eating "no-no" foods in "absolutely-no-no" amounts... And all the lost weight gradually starts creeping up again.

And if you keep repeating this yo-yo pattern, your body will learn to store fat more stubbornly, just in case another starvation period comes. And the older you get doing this, the harder losing weight gets.

But there are several things you can do to avoid this cycle:

1. First, you have to accept that losing weight when in plateau is a slow process. So, there is no point in getting frustrated when you lose significantly less weight than you used to. That is the way it's meant to happen.

This is a necessary psychological step to take, as this will make you less anxious, and more focused on your weight loss endeavours.

2. Accordingly, set yourself smaller weight loss goals every week. Losing small amounts of weight at this stage will ensure that your body retains muscle mass which, in turn, will help you keep burning fat regularly.

3. Eat low fat recipes that fill you up. Remember that although there are hundreds of delicious low fat recipes to try, you have to eat them wisely. Combine to get the maximum amount of food, containing the minimum amount of fat and calories.

4. If you want to take the opportunity to cleans your system, you may want to try a raw food diet at this stage, as this may give your body a "metabolic edge" by consuming less fat and more complex carbohydrates.

Processing the calories from foods like wholemeal bread takes more energy than storing energy from butter.

5. Do "fat burning" exercise, rather than aerobic exercise. Fat burning exercise such as walking or cycling regularly (5 days a week) for about 40 minutes will keep your metabolism going. Aerobic exercise burns fat, but it is rather designed to give you cardiovacular fitness.

6. Give yourself a break. No, I don't mean that you should go on a binge of "no-no food". Rather, allow yourself a couple of treats, and go easy for a couple of weeks. Of course, keep your weight in check on a weekly basis. The trick is to eat more than when on a diet, but less than when you were overweight.

7. Once your weight has stabilised, you can go back to your lower fat regime.

Repeat this cycle till you get to your desired weight.

As Rachel Hunter said in a TV commercial: "It won't happen overnight... but it will happen."

Remember that you're ideal weight is what you can maintain whilst eating 3 or more healthy meals a day, without exceeding your daily calorie and fat intake.

Also remember that before starting any weight loss program, you should always consult your doctor or health professional.

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Thursday, September 22, 2005

A Very Refreshing Drink Indeed!


A few days ago, I came up with my own recipe for a very refreshing drink.

Ok, it is not the recipe of Coca-Cola(TM), and it is very simple to follow. However, if you like cinnamon, I'm sure you'll love the combination of intense citric flavours with a tropical cinnamon accent. It tastes... exotic.

I call this drink "Jeff Tropicality" (Hey! I made the drink up, so I get to call it whatever I want...).

The recipe makes 4 cups, and each cup is worth 1.5 WW pts. However, you may double up the amount of ingredients to have 8 cups (2 lts) of this delicious drink.


  • 8 Apple and Cinnamon Tea Bags
  • 1/2 cup Orange Juice Concentrate (OJ concentrate)
This is What You Do:

  • First, boil 4 cups of water, then put the water in a container.
  • Leave the tea bags in the water, and let the water cool down.
  • Transfer the tea into a pitcher or drink container, and add the OJ concentrate. Mix well.
  • Chill in the fridge.
Once chilled, you can add a sugar substitute if you want it sweeter.

That's it. Nice and simple, and very tasty and refreshing.

You can use this nice drink as the basis for another drink I've developed: "Non-alcoholic Sangria"....

But you'll have to wait for the recipe in a later entry.

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef (who happens to be skinny)

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Low Fat Broccoli Recipes?


I've added "Fake" low fat broccoli recipe to my site. It's "fake" because it contains no real broccoli, but broccoli rabe.

Broccoli rabe is an acquired taste, as it tastes somehow bitterish and nutty. But when used as an ingredient to this frittata, it gives it a very interesting flavour.

I don't think kids would like this dish, though. Kids don't like bitterish food.

But adults do have the capacity for a broad taste in food. Besides, bitterish food is supposed to be good for your liver. Try it.

If you still want "real" low fat broccoli recipes, stick around that page, as I will be addding links to other recipes (which actually contain real broccoli).

Experiment... and enjoy!

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Monday, September 19, 2005

Low Carbs Low Fat Muffins: Pumpkin and Coconut Muffins


I have uploaded this delicious low carbs low fat pumpking and coconut muffins recipe.

3 points. 6 g Carbs. No sugar (I use Stevia instead, but you can use your sugar substitutes).


Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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The Mc Debate Continues... and I wonder "Why!?"


I have been working on another website lately. I apologise for lagging in my postings to this "my precious" blog... (I bloody hope "my precious" is not a TM!). ;-)

But not all has been hard labour during the weekend for me. I took a couple of hours to indulge in one of my favourite games online: pocker! No. I did not win anything, as I do not play for money, but I surely had fun.

Anyway... back to today's topic: The Mc Debate.

Ever since the Mc Libel case, the nutritional value of the meals sold by the food chain gigant have been under the spot light. The "Super Size Me" documentary did not help either. And you may recall that a few postings ago, I mentioned the woman who claimed to have lost weight by eating only McDonald's.

Well, I don't know if they're recycling the same news, or it is yet another attempt to prove that the food chain gigant gives you good [nutritional] value for money, but here is yet another mention to such an oustanding claim: click here (a new window will open).

Also... as I pointed out before, the so called "McDiet" differs from the "Super Size Me" diet in that this woman chose "low fat and low calorie" meals from the menu.

Of course she was going to lose weight! Duh!!

The point that the Super Size Me documentary was making was that, without nutrition education, the traditional Mc meals would have such an effect on people relying on that type of diet.

Now, lots of critics point out that not many people have McD's everyday. Hmmm... I wonder about that because, at least here in Perth, I have seen lots of people going regularly to McD's... They must be just browsing, huh?

No. Seriously... I acknowledge that at the end of the day, personal responsibility must play a big roll in shapping us up. However, not everyone is personally responsible... or even knows how to be personally responsible.

However, that's like saying that the key to losing weight is to "maintain a reasonably balanced diet, and do regular exercise". Of course it is! But when people are not aware of the amount of crap that some fast foods contain, they are more likely to continue indulging into massive amounts of fat, sodium, and other not very nice substances, as their waist lines increase.

Why should the rest of us care?

Because at the end of the day, it costs us to have this "time bomb" problem. The more people become unhealthy, the less they can be productive to society, the more care it requieres from the State and the rest of us, and the more impact it has in the young generations.

That's why I care.

Think about it.

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef (who happens to be skinny)

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Friday, September 16, 2005

Should America Stop Dieting? Should the Rest of Us Too?


I was reading with interest an article that urges people to stop "dieting". The title is compelling, and some of the arguments therein are also sound. Check it out (a new window will open).

The journo (journalist) in question reckons that people jump from fad diet to fad diet in the crazy trend to lose weight... no matter what.

She reckons that, in reality, all you need is a balanced diet and regular exercise. You don't need, according to her, the Southbeach diet, Atkinson's, Weight Watchers, or any other sort of food regime.

Whilst I agree in principle that the principle of a healthy weight and nutrition consists of having a nutrionally balanced diet and regular exercise, the problem with the principle alone is that you can repeat that mantra till you go blue, and it won't make a damn difference to your weight.

Here is why:

First, setting aside those who have a physiological or metabolical problem, the rest of overweight people do not follow a nutritionally balanced diet, and do not exercise on a regular basis... And even if they do exercise, the amount of fat and calories they consume on a daily basis far exceed what they eat during the day.

Second, overweight people do know the golden rule of balanced diet plus regular exercise, but they lack the motivation and knowledge on how to do it effectively.

Third, when they choose to follow a fad diet, they do it pursuant to the "instant gratification" trend our culture displays. We want results now: "No pain, and not too much effort, thank you very much!"

I do believe that fad diets are not good for you. They can be used as a boosting mechanism to lose weight quickly. However, in most instances, people return to their old habits because a diet is not an ongoing commitment. It's just a diet.

Now, you may be sick of my opinion that, for me (at least), a regime like Weight Watcher's is a good way of losing weight. But if you analyse closely what WW offers you, you'll realise that it basically tells you how to maintain a balanced diet, how much exactly you can eat according to your own circumstances, and how much exercise you need. It also gives you motivation to keep your goals in sight, and it gives you a chance to keep your development in check (through their weekly weighing sessions).

There are many other ways to reach the same goal... and if you've found one, let me be the first (or second) to congratulate you and wish you the best in your efforts.

However, if you have been struggling with weight, I do recommend that you give WW some consideration.

Remember: I am not affiliated to WW, and I do not receive any commissions from them. I am only reporting on my own personal experience, and on anecdotal accounts from others who've followed WW. As usual, I recommend you consult your health professional before you undertake any weight loss program.

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Thursday, September 15, 2005

Lessons From The Past

Greetings again!

One of my friends sent me an email this morning summarising very interesting historical data as to the way we used to be in the 1500s, and I just wanted to share it with you.

I apologise for the length of this entry, but trust that you'll enjoy this historical trivia.

After reading this, I started pondering how people will look at the way we live now, and wonder how we managed to do so.



The next time you are washing your hands don't complain because the water temperature isn't just how you like it, think about how things used to be. Here are some facts about the 1500s:

These are interesting...

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and still smelled pretty good by June. However, they were starting to smell, so brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odour. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married.

Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children, last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, "Don't throw the baby out with the bath water".

Houses had thatched roofs, thick straw-piled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip off the roof. Hence the saying "It's raining cats and dogs."

There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That's how canopy beds came into existence.

The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying "dirt poor." The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until when you opened the door it would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entranceway. Hence the saying a "thresh hold."

(Getting quite an education, aren't you?)

In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. Every day they lit the fire and added things to the pot. They ate mostly vegetables and did not get much meat. They would eat the stew for dinner, leaving leftovers in the pot to get cold overnight and then start over the next day. Sometimes stew had food in it that had been there for quite a while hence the rhyme,

"Peas porridge hot, peas porridge cold, peas porridge in the pot nine days old."

Sometimes they could obtain pork, which made them feel quite special. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could "bring home the bacon." They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and "chew the fat."

Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous.

Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or "upper crust."

Lead cups were used to drink ale or whisky. The combination would sometimes knock the imbibers out for a couple of days. Someone walking along the road would take them for dead and prepare them for burial. They were laid out on the kitchen table for a couple of days and the family would gather around and eat and drink and wait and see if they would wake up. Hence the custom of holding a "wake."

England is old and small and the local folks started running out of places to bury people. So they would dig up coffins and would take the bones to a "bone-house" and reuse the grave. When reopening these coffins, 1 out of 25 coffins were found to have scratch marks on the inside and they realised they had been burying people alive.. So they would tie a string on the wrist of the corpse, lead it through the coffin and up through the ground and tie it to a bell. Someone would have to sit out in the graveyard all night (the "graveyard shift") to listen for the bell; thus, someone could be "saved by the bell" or was considered a " dead ringer."

And that's the truth... Now, whoever said that History was boring ! ! !

Educate someone...Share these facts with a friend

Thanks, Tulip, for your interesting summary.

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Myth-Busting: 8 Glasses of Water a Day?


Have you ever told you need to drink at least 8 glasses of water a day?

More importantly... have you tried it? I have, and it ain't easy... and it seems the water just passes through you almost as soon as you drink it. Yup, lots of trips to the loo.

Well, here is the thing. A recent Harvard University study discovered that there is no real scientific foundation for this little nutrition wisdom snippet. In fact,another study conducted by Rockefeller University shows that most people consume that amount of liquids and foods (containing water), or even more:

In a 2000 survey conducted for Rockefeller University and the International Bottled Water Association, 2,818 adults in 14 cities reported drinking about 6 cups of water a day—a result that was presented as alarming evidence that Americans are becoming dehydrated. But if you include the sodas, coffee, tea, milk, juice, sports drinks, and alcoholic beverages these respondents drank, their average fluid consumption was 17.6 cups a day—enough to have you urinating every waking hour, even if you don’t have any problem with bladder capacity.
Self Development Gury Tony Robbins also makes this point when talking about alchaline diets and water consumption.

The funny thing is that, since 1940 we have been preached the 8-glasses-a-day advice, and even felt guilty for not drinking so much water during the day. Isn't it funny how society seems to accept "wisdom pearls" when apparently backed up by scientific research? In some instances, like in this one, the misconceptions arise out of "misinterpretation" of the original study and its conclusions.

You know how it works: repeat something often enough and for a long time, and it will be regarded as the truth.

That's why you should always question anything and everything. After all, if it impacts your life, it's worth doing a bit of research.

Now, I'm not saying "don't drink water". I'm saying "drink water, eat foods that contain water", and keep a healthy diet. But that is just common sense, huh?

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Cheesey Scones!


I have uploaded a new low fat scones recipe: low fat cheesey scones! (which you actually can change to low fat bacon scones).

On another note... guess what is the greatest nutritional deficiency in the west...

According to a Harvard Medical Study, it's complex B12!

And in a recent paper by researchers from the Florida School of Ageing Studies, there were claims that there exists a link between dementia and lack of B12.

Check the article by clicking here.

What I don't understand is how Western societies who seem to be big on beef be so deficient in B12.

I'll have to research that.

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

How to Spot a Fad Diet


I was reading today an excellent article that tells you how to spot fad diets, and why you should not do them: They're essentially harmful to your body (and you get all the weight you lose almost as quickly as you lost it [or even quicker].

The article says that one of the main characteristics of a fad diet is that it restricts your food intake to only one or 2 types of food. For instance, there are diets who tell you to eat only fruit, other that tell you to eat only proteins. Do you get the drift? Click here to check out the article (a new window will open).

The problem with such diets is that you end up missing out on nutrients, vitamins and minerals. That's why I personally think that food style regimes (like Weight Watchers) are good because they encourage you to have a balanced diet (eating a little bit of everything... in moderation).

Having said that, there are ways to have alchaline foods and raw vegie and fruit regimes that apparently provide you with everything you need nutritionwise. I have several vegetarian friends who follow sound nutritional practices and are healthy and well nourished.

I would miss my meat too much, but would be willing to give one of these diets a go... just for a little while (a week or so).

Yours in health

Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Monday, September 12, 2005

Breakfast Pizza


Well, the show must go on.

And to continue with my low fat pizza recipes, I bring you a conceptual shocker: A Breakfast Pizza!

"Say what!?" I hear you say.

Well, this recipe should not worry you too much about the being unhealthy thing. It's only 4.5 pts, and it contains only 11 g of fat.

Check it out, enjoy responsibly, and handle with care!

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef Dude

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Sunday, September 11, 2005

Banana Frosty with Raising Toast


I found this delicious snack recipe this week when my Skinny Kitchen Hand and I were doing our grossery shopping.

It takes just 9 minutes to prepare, and it's so delicious and still low in fat.

It also contains fibre supplement, which is good for you and I. This recipe serves 1.


1 Ripe Banana, peeled
1/2 cup skim milk (99% fat free).
1/2 cup orange juice
1 slice of raising bread or fruit bread
1 Tbsp low fat ricotta
2 tsps honey
1/2 tsp powdered cinnamon
1 Tbsp psyllium husk**

**. Psyllium Husk is natural fibre. Medical research indicates that taking psyllium husk on a regular basis keeps cholesterol down, and supplements our dietary fibre intake. Click here to learn more about it (a new window will open).

This is what you do:

1. Blend the banana, milk, orange juice, psyllium husk, and ice cubes till smooth.
2. Toast the bread slice and spread the low fat ricotta. Sprinkle half the powdered cinnamon and top with the honey.
3. Serve immediately and drink promptly.

If the smoothie goes too thick because of the psyllium, add a bit more milk and/or orange juice.

Each serving contains 362 Cals, 1515 KJ, 4 g fat, 13 g protein, 68 g carbs, and 216 mg sodium.

How's that for a refreshing Sunday morning smoothie?

Yours in health,

Jeff The Skinny Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Friday, September 09, 2005

Jeff The Chef's Got a Lot of Work to Do... ;-)


I wish to thank all of you who have expressed your support for my site and my pen name.

In the coming few days I'll be extremely busy substituting my original pen name for "Jeff The Chef" from my blog and from my site. So, I'll only be able to upload a couple of recipes per week, as this task is labour intensive.

Having said that, I encourage you to continue supporting my site by visiting it and using all of its resources.

I have advised the owner of the Trademark of my immidiate steps to address his demands, but he has not replied as yet. Nevertheless, I'll continue to oblige. ;-)

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Thursday, September 08, 2005

Now I Have Become "Jeff The Chef"


Yes. You've read the title right! Now, my pen name has changed from "Jeff The Skinny Chef" to "Jeff The Chef"... and you may be wondering why... and I'm going to tell you why...

I received today a letter of demand from a dude who registered SkinnyChef in August last year (but which only became published for opposition in August 2005) as a Trademark.

He demanded that I cease and desist from using what he claims to be a derivative form of his Trademark.

I do not necessarely agree with his interpretation of the law, and do not admit that there has been any breach of Trademark.

Having said that, I have decided to change the pen name to Jeff The Chef for the time being in order to assess my legal position. I reserve the right (if any) to use my original pen name pending proper consideration of my legal entitlements.

Being an attorney myself, I want to make sure that I'm not threading on anybody's toes (or kitchen... so to speak), but I also want to make sure of what my legal entitlements (if any) are in relation to this letter of demand.

If that dude is in the right, I have no problems with not ever using the name again.

So, in the next couple of weeks I'll be very busy changing any references to "the name" to "Jeff The Chef".

Stay tuned,

Yours in health,

Jeff The Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Pizza Burgers?


Pizza burgers are not really pizza. They're called "pizzas" because of the melted cheese on top... but who cares?

These babies are truly delicious and easy and quick to prepare. They're low in fat, and are worth only 2.5 WW pts per serving! What else could you ask for!?

But don't take my word for it. Click here, get the recipe, and enjoy!

Your in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Pizza Rustica


It's nearly bedtime for me right now. I'm going to bed earlier than usual.

However, before going to bed, I wanted to share my latest low fat pizza rustica recipe.

Delicious, relatively low in fat (compared to commercial pizzas), but you still gotta handle it with care, as each serving (2 slices) is worth 9.5 WW pts.

... But sometimes you've gotta indulge! ;-)


Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Low Fat Greek Pizza

Greek Pizza!

This is a no-meat pizza that yields 4.5 WW pts per slice. Of course, if you're a strict carnivorous person, you may want to add a slice of your favourite salami finely shredded.

I tried to post this message last night, but the blogger was down. So, I had to do it before leaving for work...

Well... gotta go!

Enjoy your low fat Greek pizza.


Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Sunday, September 04, 2005

Low Fat Pizza with Onion Sauce


I love pizza! And even if you're not a vegetarian (I'm not), you'll enjoy this delicious pizza with onion sauce.

It's only 5 pts per slice, and it is relatively easy to prepare. You can prepare it with your own dough, or with a pre-packaged pizza base.

I'll post another pizza tomorrow: Low Fat Greek Pizza.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Saturday, September 03, 2005

How About a Pumpkin & Leek Soup? Zero Points Too!


Hey! Spring's hitting us here down-under, announcing a warm summer coming around the corner.

But here down-under too, spring can be still a bit "nippy", and some of us still use our heaters at night... and have delicious soups for dinner. ;-)

And then I thought about my Northern Hemisphere friends and, I reckon you're just finishing your summer, huh?

Well, even if fall (autumn) is just about to begin, you may also like this low fat soup recipe with lots of flavour, and absolutely zero points. Here it is:


  • 1 large leek, sliced
  • 1 kg butternut pumpkin, chopped
  • 2 cups cauliflower, chopped
  • 4 cups of water
  • 4 chicken stock cubes (substitute with Vegeta if you're a vegetarian)

This is what you do:

  • Mix all the ingredients in a medium saucepan, and bring to the boil.
  • Then lower the heat and let it simmer for about 20 minutes or so. Make sure the pumpkin is tender.
  • Put the mixture in a blender, and blend the life out of it! :-)
  • You'll have enough for four servings and... you know what?
  • ... You can have all of them for yourself if you want! (because they're zero points! Get it?) ;-)
  • And you can have them with a couple of dinner buns (1 point each).


Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

P.S. I'm still working on the low fat pizza recipes.... I have not forgotten.

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Friday, September 02, 2005

New Orleans: Our Hearts and Minds Go To The Hurricane Victims


I have been following up the sad events that have occurred in New Orleans this week.

I believe I'm not alone here in Australia in saying that our hearts and minds go to the victims of the hurricane, and that we feel for our American brothers and sisters.

Losing your house and material possessions is very hard. The consolation is often "but at least I'm alive". Whilst this positive side of a tragedy is very true, it is still devastating to lose it all.

I have found a website called Network for Good, which is collecting donations for New Orleans. Check it out... and make a donation.

Yours in solidarity,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

Thursday, September 01, 2005

A Beautiful Day in Perth!


As usual, I went for a walk to Kings Park during my lunch break. Today is such a springy day! I quickly took this picture there:

I just wanted to share this beautiful and simple image with you. By the way, this flower is called "Kangaroo Paw". We have them in different colours (red, yellow, orange and even black!). They're part of our Western Australian Flora. Lovely things they are!

Yours in health,

Jeff, The Skinny Chef