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Welcome To www.Skinny-Jeff.com
(The Skinny Jeff's Blogspot)

Wanna Lose Weight? Check out my Tasty Low Fat Recipes, Weigh Loss and Healthy Eating Articles, and Friendly Moral Support. My Mission: To Help Make This World a Lighter, Healthier and Happier Place to Live in.

Tuesday, May 31, 2005

New Page: Low Fat Seafood Recipes!


Low fat seafood recipes are delicious and low in fat. They call it "Brain food", as it is rich in phosphate.

I start with 3 delicious fish recipes: poached fish, ginger and lime fish, and baked fish in lite sour cream. Check them out!

I'll add more seafood recipes later.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Monday, May 30, 2005

New Page: Low Fat Chicken Recipes!

I should have added a low fat chicken recipes ages ago! The thing is that I had uploaded several chicken recipes, but had not organised them in the one page.

From now own, if you are looking for a nice way of cooking chicken, you can go to that page. Click here to check it out, and enjoy.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Odd Weight Loss News


Every now and then I come across odd news about weigth loss and dieting, and I'd like to share them with you.

Sometimes I would like to leave them for my site's ezine ("the Skinny Chef's Digest"), but I may as well include some here in my blog.

The first one that came to my attention was about this guy who lost 500 pounds (half a ton) with one of those surgeries where they tie up your stomach (Ouch!). When I read the headline I thought to my self "Well! He did very well!", and then I found out that he still has 300 pounds to go! Just the thought makes me... exhausted! (not hungry, though!). Here is the link:

Man Losses 500 pounds.

The other story that caught my attention was the one of this kid whose parents put him on a diet that, seemingly was not working. They found out later on he was eating the dog's food. Hmmm... That's what I call desperation!

The kid who ate his dog's breakfast.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Got an idea? You can turn it into an infoproduct and sell it. This FREE e-course shows you how... no strings attached!

Friday, May 27, 2005

A recipe for success in anything... including weight loss

Greetings once again,

I hope you've had a good week.

I read today in an email a very nice quotation that we all can apply to anything we do in our lives, including weight loss. Here it goes:

Believe in the "Do", not in the "Don't".

Believe that you Will, not that you Won't.

More comes with a "Yes" than with a "No".

The first step in Achieving is "Thinking it so".

Remember that, and you'll achieve anything.

I'll post some more recipes tomorrow. Right now is Friday night, and I'll take a break.

Have a good one too! ;-)

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Thursday, May 26, 2005

Low Fat Sloppy Joes? Why? Certainly! (only 5 points!)

Hello once again!

If you are like most folks, there will be a time when you will feel like entering "the dark side" of food, and eating from the no-no menu. ;-)

Well, you don't need to. If you desperately want some junk food, you can make your own. But without the fat, it is no longer "junk food", but "funk food"!

If you'd really like to eat a low fat Sloppy Joe's burger, you can try this recipe and see how you go.

I must confess, I'm just a human being, and I've pigged out with the kids on foods I shouldn't even think of. However, I normally don't, and I try to be active by walking most days of the week, and eating well most days too.

I don't believe in being a monk, and I acknowledge that one needs to sin every now and then, but you should allow yourself to do it sparingly, and quickly go back to your healthy eating habits.

You'll be surprised... sometimes you won't even like sinful food. You'll see.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Wednesday, May 25, 2005

Holy Flaming Bananas, Batman!


There are 2 things starting with the letter "B" that the Skinny Chef has liked since a very early age: Bananas and Batman. ;-)

Unfortunately, you don't get to cook "Batman" (lucky for him!) in this delicious low fat dessert or snack dish... but you do get to cook bananas (to which you can add a bit of my low fat vanilla ice cream).

The Flaming Bananas treat is a great dish to show off your culinary skills. ;-)

And if you do not have an audience to impress, or you could not care a bit about showing off, you can enjoy this recipe for your own amusement and delight.

Trust me, it'll be worth it!

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Fettucine Alfredo and Low Fat Crispy Chicken


Tonite we decided to go for a delicious low fat dinner combination: Fettucine Alfredo and low fat Crispy Chicken Breast.

I would have had this with a nice and cool glass of chardonney sauvignon, but I did not have any at hand, so I was happy to wash it down with a fine low carbs beer.

Tell you what... it was a great dinner, but did not leave room for any dessert!

Next time, I'll have to push my self harder! ;-)

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Monday, May 23, 2005

Ribolitta: An Italian Low Fat Soup with Lots of Flavour!

And continuing with my soups series, tonite we prepared a delicious Italian soup that has beans instead of pasta. It's called Ribolitta, and it is served on a bread slice topped with spinach at the bottom of your saucer.

Each portion is only 3 WW pts, but you can have a double portion of 6 pts, leaving no room for dessert... if that's what you want!

We very much enjoyed this Italian soup. Click here: I recommed it with the approval of all my taste buds!

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

PS. If you have already recommended my site to your friends, a big thank you! If you haven't yet got around to do so, please do so. You'll do your friends and myself a favour, and good karma in the way of weight loss will come to you and your friends.


For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Hi there. This is a more recent picture of your Skinny Chef, doing his 9 to 5 lawyer thing on "Casual Friday".
Posted by Jeff

Sunday, May 22, 2005

Low Fat Vegie Soup (Zero WW points!)

I hope you had a great weekend. We did! ;-)

I've got yet another delicious low fat soup recipe for you: The "Zero Points" Vegie Soup.

This soup is a great meal to have if you have the munchies but do not want to add any fat whatsoever to your daily intake.

In fact, the beauty of this is that - apart from being a tasty soup - you can have as much soup as you want. It's "zero points", remember?

The only thing you've got to take into account is that if you take this soup too late at night, you'll be making several trips to the bathroom during the night (as the bladder needs to discharge all that liquid).

Nevertheless, it's a great soup. Try it. You'll love it.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Low fat Vegie Frittata


I hope you're having a great weekend. My family and I went to see Episode 3: The Revenge of the Siths. Great movie! (if you're a Star Wars fan, that is!) Today, we are going to a die cast cars fair, and take my mother in law's dog for a walk in a park in Perth: A busy but fun weekend indeed!

I just found a delicious vegie frittata recipe that you may enjoy. It takes about 15 minutes to prepare, and about 30 minutes to cook, and it yields 6 servings.

How many points each? Well, I have not calculated that, but I have substituted several of the original ingredients to reduce its fat contents. My guestimate is that it won't be more than 4 WW points per serving (or even less).


  • Cannola or nonstick oil spray
  • 1/2 onion, sliced
  • 500 g (1 lb) potatoes, peeled and sliced
  • 1/4 cup of water
  • 1 X 420 g can of sweet corn kernels
  • 2 cups of broccoli, cut into florets (This is optional*)
  • 60 g of low fat cheddar cheese
  • 6 eggs
  • 1/2 cup of skim milk

This is what you do:

For starters, you should preheat your oven to 180 C (356 F) and spray a square baking tin with your cannola oil.

Next, mix the onion, potato slices and water in a bowl. Cover with glad wrap (plastic wrap) and nuke it for 3 minutes on high in the microwave.

Add the broccoli and microwave the vegies once again for another 2 minutes.

Next, layer the baking tin with half the potato slices and top it with the corn, broccoli, onion and the rest of the potato slices.

Whisk the eggs and milk, and pour over the vegies.

Top it with the low fat cheese and bake the whole thing for 30 minutes.

Nice and easy!

I'll be uploading the "calculated" version of this recipe soon.

Have a great weekend!

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Saturday, May 21, 2005

Low Fat Diet and Breast Cancer

Greetings once again.

There are many reasons why folks get into healthy eating and low fat diets. The more obvious ones are looks, keeping fit and trim, and a desire to live a healthy life in general.

There are others who get into healthy eating due to health disorders such as heart decease, high low pressure, diabetis, knee problems, and that kind of thing.

Last year, though, I had a friend at work who died of breast cancer and, whilst she was alive, she told me of many things she tried in her struggle with cancer. Amongst the many things she tried, was a fat free diet. In fact, she turned vegetarian.

Unfortunately for my friend, the cancer kept advancing... and she lost her struggle.

I had gotten into Weight Watchers during the last months of her life, and we used to share notes about healthy eating.

Somehow lately I revisited the issue of whether there is a connection between low fat diets and breast cancer. I'm writing this small article in my friend's memory. My only caveat to you is that I am not a health professional, and that I am only sharing this research with you so that you can have a starting point to explore with your doctor. Always consult your doctor for any health related issue.

A couple of recent studies presented at the American Society of Clinical Oncology Annual meeting suggest that simple lifestyle changes such as reducing fat from one's diet may reduce the recurrence of breast cancer.

One of the studies stated how women who adopted a healthy eating lifestyle with a reduced fat diet had a 24% reduction of risk of recurrence of breast cancer, compared to those who did not change their diet.

The study involved 2,437 women whose age ranged from 48 to 79. The all had been diagnosed with early-stage breast cancer, and had undergone surgery and, where appropriate, radiation, chemotherapy and/or tamoxifen therapy.

Their diets were not meant to lose weight. In fact, most of the women who participated in this study did not lose significant amounts of weight (just 4 pounts , ie 2.5 kg each).

The study took 5 years, and those in the low fat diets showed a good recovery, and significantly lower levels of cancer-receptive estrogen, as compared to those who were not in a "healthy eating" program.

Now, don't get me wrong here. I don't advocate low fat diet as a prescription against cancer, but I'm suggesting here that any positive healthy change you make to your life can have a significant impact in your life overall.

And why should people wait till a serious ailment occurs before changing their lifestyles?

Proactive prevention ("profilaxis") is always better than attempts to cure a deceace. Don't you agree?

I live that thought with you. Please consider.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Winter Prelude in WA 4
Posted by Jeff, The Skinny Chef

Winter Prelude in WA 3
Posted by Jeff, The Skinny Chef

Winter Prelude in WA 2
Posted by Jeff, The Skinny Chef

This is why I've been cooking soups lately!

For starters, I want to thank all of you who have recommended my site to your friends. There has been a slight increase in traffic, and that keeps me going. Thank you (and keep referring friends!).

Now, you may recall me saying that we have experienced a "prelude to winter" here in Perth.

Well, yesterday somebody from work circulated several pictures of the 2 recent storms that WA experienced this week. Scary stuff... and yet, beautiful to watch.

I hope I'm not breaching the photographer's copyrights. If I have, let me know (whoever you are), and I'll remove these pictures.

(In the meantime I'll endeavour to find you the photographer and get permission to use them.)

Winter Prelude in Western Australia

I'll be posting more recipes tonight (WA time). This morning I'm taking my kids to see Episode 3: The Revenge of the Sith... Yup... I'm a Star Wars fan too.

Posted by Jeff, The Skinny Chef

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Low fat cabbage recipe: Creamy Cabbage Slaw

If you want a nice and easy low fat salad recipe, you won't go wrong with this low fat cabbage recipe: Creamy Cabbage Slaw.

But I have to issue a word of caution here: it's easy to prepare, but you'll need to set aside a couple of hours to allow the ingredients in the dressing to blend flavours, and another hour prior to serving it to refrigerate the salad once you mix the cabbage with the dressing.

But you won't regret it. It's a nice salad to have with grilled chicken or with a BBQ.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Low Fat cheesy Potato Soup (Extra yumminess!)

Greetings once again!

The early prelude to winter goes on here in Perth, and I continue making soups for dinner.

Last night I cooked this delicious low fat cheesy potato soup, which is only 4.5 points in the WW scale.

I have not uploaded the recipe to my site as yet, as I have not calculated the other nutritional values. However, you don't have to wait till I do. Here is the recipe:


  • 750 g potatoes, peeled and diced
  • 1 X 375 ml light evaporated milk
  • 120 g of reduced fat (50%) shredded tasty cheese (or equivalent)
  • 4 celery sticks, sliced
  • 6 spring onions (finelly chopped)
  • 3 chicken stock cubes
  • 4 cups of water
  • 1 tsp crushed garlic
This is what you do:

First, boil the potatoes till they go tender. However, I "nuked" the spuds in the microwave to reduce the cooking time. You may do the same if you wish.

Once the potatoes are tender, transfer them to a cooking pot, and add the chicken stock cubes, water, garlic, celery and spring onions, and bring to the boil. Simmer after that for 7 minutes or so.

Transfer the veggies to a blender, and blend till smooth. You may have to do this in several loads, depending on the size of your blender.

Transfer the blend to the cooking pot, and simmer again. Add the light evaporated milk, and the cheese and stir for a couple of minutes...

Your soup is ready to eat and enjoy!

Extra tips: If you want to add extra flavour, you could "fry" 100 grams of bacon bits, and add them into the soup (after blending, and before serving). Of course, you have to take into account the amount of fat in the bacon to your soup... but the flavour enhancement is superb!

If you want to have a "continental" meal experience, you may accompany your soup with a couple of French bread buns per serving, or even several low fat crackers... for substance.

Surprisingly, this soup is quite filling. It was a great (and easy) dinner dish to prepare!

I hope you enjoy it too!

Before signing off, I want to ask you for a tiny favour...

I would be very grateful if you could recommend my website to 10 (or more, if you want) of your friends. I'm trying to increase traffic to my site, and one of the best ways is by word of mouth: nothing beats a personal recommendation.

You know by now that I don't charge for my recipes, and I don't try to push anyone to buy anything.

If you like my recipes, please, recommend my site (and my blog) to your friends. Your recommendations will help me keep posting my delicious recipes to people who appreciate them.

I have an easier domain that redirects people to my site: www.Jeff-The-Skinny-Chef.Com. Clicking it will take you to www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com in a seprate window.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Low Fat Sweet Potatoes Casserole

Sweet potatoes casserole
is a great dish for a dinner in cold weather. Winter is approaching rapidly to Perth, and we're having a couple of big storms lately, so I decided to look for an appropriately delicious dish for the family.

If you don't like sweet potatoes, you could try the same recipe with normal potatoes, making the dish more savory.

Once again... there were no left overs. :-)

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Saturday, May 14, 2005

Hot and Sour Thai Soup

I was looking for an easy and delicious low fat Thai recipe today, and I came across this absolutely and explosively delicious Thai soup that may blow your socks off with its spicy flavour. Yum!

If you don't like spicy food (like my Skinny Kitchen Hand), you should either refrain from tasting this soup, or reduce the amount of spices you put in it.... But that would be a shame! Low fat Thai recipes are supposed to be hot and spicy, and if it isn't, then it does not taste like it's supposed to.

Cook it. Taste it. Enjoy it, but get a fire extinguisher ready if you think you cannot handle the spices! ;-)

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Thursday, May 12, 2005

Low Fat Creamy Spinach For Dinner

I don't know about you, but even Jeff The Skinny Chef feels sometimes like cooking something simple and easy to prepare without much effort.

In days like that, I choose a recipe like this one: Low Fat Creamy Spinach.

It's only 1.5 WW pts, and it's absolutely delicious... but if you feel like cooking just a bit longer, you could combine this delicious recipe with a nice grilled fillet-O-fish (not the burger, just the fillet).

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Monday, May 09, 2005

Low Fat Herbs Polenta and Grilled Tomatoes

And the polenta recipes continue!!

Today I bring to you a delicious low fat herb polenta with grilled tomatoes. But trust me, having it as the only dish won't work. You'll be hungry (unless you are one of those persons who gets full with 6 little sushi rolls!).

This dish is better as a low fat snack, or as a side dish with something delicious like a low fat steak or a grilled chicken breast.

One thing, though: this is a very tasty dish!

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Sunday, May 08, 2005

Low Fat Mexican Polenta! (2 WW pts per serve)


Still experimenting with low fat polenta recipes, I decided to try this Mexican polenta dish, which went quite well with a low fat grilled chicken, a nice portion of caesar salad, and a glass of chardoney (white wine).

It yields 16 squares, and you get 2 squares per serve.


Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Got an idea? You can turn it into an infoproduct and sell it. This FREE e-course shows you how... no strings attached!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Low Fat Polenta Recipes: Polenta-Stuffed Bell Peppers

I can't believe how quick this week has passed by. I've been busy preparing another one of my court cases for next week, and another for the following month. So, I apologise for not bringing you more of my delicious low fat recipes more often.

I was looking for a nice low fat polenta recipe this week, and I came across this polenta-stuffed peppers recipe. It is very easy to prepare, and it takes about 30 minutes to cook.

Each pepper (we call them "capsicums" in Australia)is worth only 2.5 WW pts. Therefore, you can have 2 of them plus a nice salad, and you'll have a great meal.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Monday, May 02, 2005

The New Food Pyramid


I launched the 3rd issue of The Skinny Chef's Digest this weekend, and one of the topics I included was the new food pyramid that the US Government has deviced as a new set of nutrition guidelines. You can check out the back issues of TSC Digest here.

There has been a wide spectrum of reactions about the so-called new pyramid.

On the one hand, there are those who hail this development as a long overdue move, argueing that the old pyramid was misleading and - in a way - gave people license to eat too much of the wrong things. The new pyramid, this group argues, gives you a better way of determining how much of what you need to have a balanced diet.

On the other hand, there are others who say that the new pyramid is unhelpful.

I must say that, except for my primary school years, I never really paid attention to the old pyramid. And I have the feeling (a "gut feeling", if you excuse the pun) that most folks don't care either. Our eating habits run contrary to whatever we learn at school (in my opinion, that is!). Otherwise, we'd all be a slim bunch, wouldn't we?

I think we all can do with nutritional education, but the responsibility at the end of the day lays with each one of us, and the decision we make as to what we eat, and - more importantly - what we teach our kids to eat.

What do you reckon? Any views? You can check the new pyramid yourself here. Let me know.

By the way, I'm revamping my site's resources page to give you more valuable information... but it will take a bit of time... so... visit it... and bear with me for a little while.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Got an idea? You can turn it into an infoproduct and sell it. This FREE e-course shows you how... no strings attached!