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Welcome To www.Skinny-Jeff.com
(The Skinny Jeff's Blogspot)

Wanna Lose Weight? Check out my Tasty Low Fat Recipes, Weigh Loss and Healthy Eating Articles, and Friendly Moral Support. My Mission: To Help Make This World a Lighter, Healthier and Happier Place to Live in.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

Low Fat Hash Browns For Breakfast Anyone?


Do your kids ever bug you to go to McDonalds'?

These low fat hash browns recipe remind me a bit of McDonalds'... but without the excessive amounts of fat they put into their food!

It was spring cleaning time in my computer room, and I came across this delicious low fat hash browns with tomatoes and field mushrooms recipe, and I thought you may want to consider cooking it for breakfast this weekend.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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The Low Fat Recipe For My Site

After a week of struggling with my new modem-router, I finally conquered the challenge and made my PC and laptop work. I'm now on broadband! Great transition!

I have been updating the existing pages of my site. That's a lot of work, but it could be worse. Luckily, I have a tool package that enables me to update, upload, and submit my pages at ease.

That tool package is the main ingredient for a successful and popular website that is easy to maintain.

I have included the details of this tool package in my website, just in case you want to know. Who knows? You may have an idea and develop a website with it. Check it out. You'll be impressed too.

I was. After trying it, I was more than impressed. I'm flabergasted with joy!

Click here to have a look.

By the way, the 3rd issue of TSC Digest is due this Sunday. If you have not subscribed yet, you're missing out on lots of good weight loss and healthy eating (and user friendly) information. Go to the site and click on the "join the Club" button. Membership is free.

I'll be uploading more recipes as soon as I finish updating my site.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Got an idea? You can turn it into an infoproduct and sell it. This FREE e-course shows you how... no strings attached!

Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Low Fat BBQ Chicken "Kansas Style"

Yesterday we celebrated (or rather: commemorated) our ANZAC day, which is a National day honouring and remembering those Australians and New Zealanders who died serving their respective countries during the Great War and WW2.

Typically, families get together for "a barbie", which is our way of saying Barbecue.

My Skinny Kitchen Hand and I prepared several dishes for our BBQ, but the one I want to share with you today is our special low fat BBQ Chicken "Kansas Style", with a spin off into kebabs.

If you feel like something different in a real BBQ or in the grill/broiler, you should try this recipe. It's very delicious!

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Got an idea? You can turn it into an infoproduct and sell it. This FREE e-course shows you how... no strings attached!

Friday, April 22, 2005

How a woman lost 115 pounds with Weight Watchers

Howdy dowdy!

As you may have read in my blogger profile, I became interested in the area of healthy eating via Weight Watchers.

And let me make it clear that I am not affiliated to WW, or even advocating this system as the best there is in weight loss. It just worked for me... and then I moved on adopting their eating and cooking principles for my own benefit.

That's why the news of a woman losing 115 pounds (an astonishing 52 kgs in the metric scale!) through WW caught my eye.

The article says:

Not only was McClain heavy, she was short. As an adult, she describes herself as 5-feet tall, soaking wet and stretching. But today as a result of dedication, determination, Weight Watchers and exercise, she is 115 pounds lighter than the 264.8 pounds she was in August 2001.

Now, I believe that reading this type of news is encouraging if you are in a weight loss journey.

And remember... it does not have to be through WW. You can do it with any diet/healthy eating system available... as long as it is not a fad diet or a crash-diet. They don't work. But we'll talk about that later on.

At present, I have not added new recipes this week because I'm maintaining the site, and adding a few features here and there (plus I'm struggling with a D-Link router modem that does not want to connect to my PC... a pain in the bum!).

Things will go back to normality - hopefully - after this weekend.

In the meantime, you may be interested in one of my healthy snacks: Tortilla and Smoked Turkey.It's only 4.5 WW pts, and it is a nice snack to have at any time. Check it out. It's delicious!

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Low Fat Chicken Florentine Soup For One

Hi there!

I've been having a bit of difficulty getting my PC to recognise my ADSL modem. I had the low fat chicken florentine soup recipe ready to upload yesterday, but I got distracted (and tired) trying to figure out how to activate my broadband connection.

I'm currently updating my recipes (changing a few things here and there, and assessing what else I can upload for you).

Keep an eye on this blog (or my site) for further developments.

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Sunday, April 17, 2005

Great research tool: Check it out!


I'm preparing, as we speak, a delicious low fat chicken florentine soup, which I will upload tomorrow evening. However, as I was doing a bit of research for the next issue of TSC Digest, I was doing what I was always do to expedite my search...

You see... with my work, website, blogs and other interest in projects in my life, I need all the time I can get...

Luckily, I have a search tool that saves me time in my research. It incorporates about 111 search options and yet... it is very easy to use.

Best of all, there is a free version available... but not for long, as there is a consultation process going on right now to decide if the free version continues or not.

In my view, it should remain free. Check it out for free ... whilst you still can!

... Meantime keep your RSS News Reader open for the low fat chicken florentine soup tomorrow.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine... Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your area of expertise... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Friday, April 15, 2005

How About Some Low Fat Alfredo Fettuccini For Dinner This Weekend?


Alfredo Pastas tend to be creamy, cheesy and full of fat... more fat than you want for your own good anyway.

That's why "low fat Alfredo fettuccini" looks like a contradiction in terms... but it isn't... not with this recipe anyway.

Smart substitution of fattening ingredients works wonders!

And I am sure you'll enjoy this fat-reduced version of this classic Italian dish.
Click here to check it out, and a new window will open..

Yours in health,

Jeff, The Skinny Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine! Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to see how some ordinary folks have done it... and how you can too.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

Want something special for dinner tonight?

If you want a special dinner tonight or tomorrow, I would like to recommend a very delicious low fat tortellini dish in red pepper sauce.

This is a truly delicious dish that takes about 30 minutes to prepare. The smooth flavour of the red capsicum sauce (red bell peppers), combined with garlic, onions, and extra light sour cream makes this dish appropriate for a light but substantial meal.

It's only 5 WW pts, but you may want to add a couple of extra points if you have this with a nice glass of chardonney or your favourite white wine.

If you don't have it tonight... do yourself a favour and get the recipe down for another day. You'll love it too.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

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Imagine! Doing what you love best... your hobbie... your interests... your passion... your obsession... for fun and profit! Click here to check out how some ordinary folks have done it...

Here is another low fat scones recipe (extra lite drop scones, to be precise)

One thing that stops people from baking sometimes is the "time and effort" factor. That is, not many people are keen to dedicate 1 hour or so gathering ingredients, mixing them and then baking them for a long time.

That's why some people prefer leaving baking for a weekend or on special gatherings.

Well, scones normally require baking.

And you have scones normally for breakfast (ok, you may have low fat scones for tea, or as a snack. But in Australia they're eaten mainly for breaky or morning tea), and not many people like baking in the morning.

Some folks do the smart thing, and bake them the night before.

But the extra light drop scones that I've included in my site do not require baking.

Preparation time is less than 30 minutes, and you cook them on a frying pan!

... And... as a bonus to this all... they contain less fat than the basic low fat scone recipe I uploaded earlier on this week.

Check them out (and enjoy!)

Yours in health,

Jeff, The Skinny Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Are Electric Grills Good For You?

Last weekend I published the second issue of The Skinny Chef's Digest ("TSC Digest"), and included the second part of an article discussing whether the famous "as seen on TV" electric grills are a must for anyone in the weight-loss and healthy-eating wagon.

They're not.

If anything, they're convenient (depending on the model you settle for), but no better than your oven broiler or you outdoors BBQ.

Click on this link to check out the second part of this interesting article. If you want to read the first part, click on the link at the bottom of that page, and you'll get there in not time.

I'm trying to decide between 2 topics for an article for next month's issue. The choices are "Trans Fats" and "Marinating for Flavour".

Tell me what your preference is by leaving a comment in this blog entry. Majority wins.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Low Fat Scones Anyone?

Hey! It feels like ages since the last time I posted an entry. It's been nearly a week already!

I have been so busy lately... but I'm back on track.

I lanched the second issue of my ezine last Sunday. And now I have uploaded the "basic" low fat scone recipe ("the mother of all low fat scone recipes" so to speak).

I also added a few more low fat baking recipes last week (I just did not have the time to blog you about it).

I really loved these scones (I had 3 plain ones... no topping) with coffee, especially because they were so easy to bake.

Yours in health,

Jeff, The Skinny Chef

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).

Monday, April 04, 2005

Low Fat Chicken Florentine


This weekend was a very busy one for my family and I. I had to prepare for a case I'm doing this week, and I had to dedicate some time to our 2nd bathroom. I'm in the "grouting" stage, and managed to finish the floor... Now, I have to deal with the walls...

Because of the lack of time, Serrina and I had to find something quick to cook for dinner. After working on several things on the weekend, no matter how much one enjoys cooking, you don't want to spend a lot of time in the kitchen.

The solution? We found this delicious low fat chicken florentine recipe in our messages box. A delicious contribution by one of our visitors (Zoe Norman, from Canada), proved to be a winner with the kids.

The main flavour feature of this recipe is the basil and Parmesan cheese, giving the dish a "continental" and aromatic accent to our quick dinner.

It was quick: after getting the ingredients ready, it took us 15 minutes to cook.

I hope you enjoy it too. Click here to check it out.

Yours in health,

Jeff "The Skinny Chef"

For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).