McDonald's Diet?: Don't Try This At Home!
I was about to close my blogger, when I saw an article about a woman who claims to have lost weight by keeping a McDonald's diet for 2 months! Click here to check it out (a new window will open).
Now, you may recall the Super Size Me
Well, this woman claims to have lost 30 lb after living on a "restricted calories" McDonald's diet. But if you read the article carefully, you'll notice that she restricted her calorie intake to 1200 a day.
Now, if you go to the McDonald's site and check the fat and KJ content of their meals, you'll realise she could not have eaten the same things the documentary dude had.
I still think there are better ways to eat healthy. But that's just me.
Yours in health,
Jeff "The Skinny Chef"
For lots of delicious low fat recipes, weight loss and healthy eating tips and articles, visit www.Delicious-Low-Fat-Recipes.Com (They're so delicious... you won't believe they're good for you!).
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